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200 港元 起
Causeway Bay / 銅鑼灣


趣味紙黏土班(4-8) 手是做紙黏土最好的工具, 導師帶領小朋友用手創作多種可愛的生活小物,不必擔心自己創意不夠、技巧不熟,只要跟著我們的步驟做,可愛生動的紙黏土創作小朋友也可以完成。 用輕黏土可製成不同主題的造型。製作過程並不複雜,輕黏土不但可以保持乾乾淨淨,而且質感細緻,像棉花糖般輕軟、有彈性,容易造型。透過搓揉黏土及混色,對於小朋友的小手肌肉發展,有助增強靈活性及協調性,以及對顏色和立體概念的增長都有好處。 Fun Paper Clay Class (4-8) Hands are the best tools for making paper clay. The instructor guides children to create a variety of cute daily life objects with their hands. Don’t worry about not being creative enough or not familiar with your skills. As long as you follow our steps, children can also create cute and vivid paper clay creations. . Use light clay to create shapes with different themes. The production process is not complicated. The light clay not only keeps it clean, but also has a delicate texture. It is as light, soft and elastic as marshmallow, and is easy to shape. By kneading clay and mixing colors, it helps to develop the muscles of children's hands, enhance flexibility and coordination, and is beneficial to the growth of color and three-dimensional concepts. 課程 : 8節 1小時15分鐘/節 日期: 1) 星期一 3:30 -4:45. 2) 星期五 4:00 - 5:15 **需交材料費 ,畫室提供用具.



To Cancel order , please Whatsapp 55410942 2 days before the session.


  • Capitol Centre Tower II, Jardine's Crescent, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

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