Cancellation and Refund Policy
Cancellation and Refund Policy
If you cancel the course booking within 10 calendar days of receiving your order confirmation and 5 day before the start of the course without giving any reason, you are entitled to a full refund of the price paid.
Cancellations and refunds in circumstances outside those described above, and/or following the expiry of the 10-day cancellation period, are subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Cancellation and Refund policy. For the avoidance of doubt, the cancellation period will expire 10 days after the date of the Order Confirmation.
We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of this reimbursement.
If you start to use our services during the cancellation period (i.e. if the course commences during the 10-day cancellation period) and/or if you access the course materials via our online course or our studio (i.e. via our virtual learning environment or in our studio), no refund will be payable.
Cancellation by Tim Studio
Whilst every effort is made to avoid changes to our program. Tim Studio reserves the right to withdraw or cancel any course. If for any reason we cancel a course, all course fees will be returned in full.
如果您在收到訂單確認後 10 個日曆日內以及課程開始前 5 天取消課程預訂且沒有給出任何理由,您有權獲得已支付費用的全額退款。
在上述情況之外和/或 10 天取消期到期後取消和退款須遵守本取消和退款政策中規定的條款和條件。 為避免疑義,取消期限將於訂單確認之日起 10 天后到期。
除非您另有明確同意,否則我們將使用您在初始交易時使用的相同付款方式進行退款。 無論如何,您不會因此次報銷而產生任何費用。
如果您在取消期內開始使用我們的服務(即,如果課程在 10 天取消期內開始)和/或如果您通過我們的在線課程或我們的工作室(即通過我們的虛擬學習環境或在我們的工作室),不予退款。
Tim Studio取消政策
同時我們會盡一切努力避免我們的計劃發生變化。 Tim Studio 保留撤回或取消任何課程的權利。 如果出於任何原因我們取消課程,所有課程費用將全額退還。