幼兒繪畫實驗室課程 (3-5)
幼兒繪畫實驗室課程 實驗室課程選了多個有趣的創意項目. 老師將一步步教會你如何發掘藝術潛能。在創作及玩耍的過程中培養孩子們的藝術創造力和對藝術的熱愛. 課程藴含彩色繪畫、紙藝、拼貼畫以及混合材料的運用等. 帶領學生發揮不同的創作力. Toddler Drawing Laboratory Course (3-5) The course has selected a number of interesting creative projects. The teacher will teach you step by step how to explore your artistic potential. Cultivate children's artistic creativity and love for art in the process of creation and play. The course includes color painting, paper art, collage and the use of mixed materials, etc. Leading students to develop different creative abilities 課程 : 10節 1小時15分鐘/節 日期: 1) 星期一 2:30 - 3:45pm 2) 星期五 2:30 - 3:45pm 3) 星期日 11:00 - 12:15 pm 查詢或預約 : 請 whatsapp: 55410942 **4人可自組班選時間上堂 ** 需交材料費, 畫室提供用具.
To Cancel order , please Whatsapp 55410942 2 days before the session.
Capitol Centre Tower II, Jardine's Crescent, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong